Towarzystwo Obrotu Energią (TOE)

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EFET General Master Agreement is the most famous example of a standard contract on the European energy market. Despite the lack of formal requirements and any regulatory pressure, the number of companies that use this standard is constantly increasing.

At the end of 2004, TOE appointed a task force that developed the Polish translation of the EFET General Master Agreement (Electricity) and bilingual election sheet with attachments. The Polish translation has been approved and published by EFET. Since then, the standard (bilingual version of the contract) is widely used in Poland. In 2007 EFET released version 2.1 (a) of the Agreement, and the bilingual English-Polish version followed soon after.

In 2013, EFET, with the participation of TOE, developed a bilingual general agreement for gas trading complete with the Polish hub (VP – virtual point) appendix.