Towarzystwo Obrotu Energią (TOE)


According to the Statute, the main tasks of the Association are as follows:

  • to undertake activities in support of the development of the competitive Polish energy market;
  • to promote the principles of trading in energy and fuel and their standards;
  • to provide information within the energy sector on the opportunities to participating in the competitive energy and fuel market;
  • to support the development of the ethical code of conduct in energy and fuel trading;
  • to represent the interests of the energy and fuel trading sector to the relevant authorities and other associations and entities.

The Association of Energy Trading has been taking an active part  in shaping the legal framework of the Polish energy market. We present our opinions concerning all legal acts presented by the government, as well as prepare our own solutions aimed at the approximation of the Polish energy market to the international standards of free trade in energy.


The governing bodies of the Association of Energy Trading are:

  • General Assembly
  • Executive Board
  • Internal Audit Commission

The Association’s Bureau coordinates the activities of the Association on a daily basis.

Working groups

The Executive Board has created six Working Groups to deal with energy market – related issues:

  • RES, CHP, Efficiency Task Force
  • Retail Market Task Force
  • Wholesale Trading Task Force
  • Balancing Market Task Force
  • Gas Market Task Force
  • TOE Report Task Force